Our Motivation

Quite often we get asked, “Why did Unseen Line do this project?” or “Why did you personally choose this project?”  Producer Timothy Peterson thought he would answer this for those of you who were curious as to why Unseen Line Films chose to produce Hope Restored: Functional Neurology Serves Humanity.


“Hi, my name is Tim Peterson and I am the producer of Hope Restored.  I’d like to give you a little back story on why we did the film and the exciting things that are happeningwith the film today.

If we rewind back to a year and a half ago, we didn’t know what FunctionalNeurology was. We got introduced to it by my mom, who was sick and who was being treated by a Functional Neurologist. We got to see a story unfold with her that was miraculous. This experience ledus to question what people know about Functional Neurology or how professionals are using it to serve humanity on a larger scale.After having such an eye-opening experience with my mom’s personal transformation, we were sureeverybody knew what it was and that the story had already been told. Unbelievably, we discovered that most people were unaware of the science of Functional Neurology and the benefits to be had.Most people didn’t know about the powerful impact it is having and how many people’s lives are beingchanged, dramatically.  As film makers, we considered this to be unacceptable.

So we set out on a quest, a self-funded quest, to create a movie that would accurately portray how Functional Neurology is transforming lives. We figured that we could use our film-making skills to tell a story that broadens people’s perspective and lets them know that there is hope when dealing with neurological dysfunction. Now, on the other side of this story-telling endeavor, we are seeing the immense success and overwhelming response to the film. People are just amazed by it! We receive hundreds of emails daily from people that want to know how they can find a doctor in their area and how they can do their part to continue to spread this message of hope. We are so encouraged by this and excited that you can now play a part in spreading this message by buying the DVDs here on the website, following us on Twitter and Facebook, and by sharing the message with your friends and family. Countless people are discovering that there is hope on the other side of neurological dysfunction. We’re so glad that you’re here with us on this journey and we, here at Unseen Line Films, just want to say thank you and God Bless!”